Bloggers Against Gratuitous Spooge

Spooge -- it just ain't cool.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Urban wildlife

Okay, so you've heard the expression that business ethics is similar to ratfucking? After today, I can officially say that no, business ethics is nothing like ratfucking, because as of today, I have seen rats fuck.

I know, I know. Scarring as it may be, I was walking through one of L.A.'s mysterious back-street alleys when I heard some royal squeakage and looked over -- there they were, going at it like a couple of porn stars on coke. And I think it's a pretty sad commentary on my state of affairs when rats are getting it on more frequently than I am. But at least my spooge isn't going anywhere it's not supposed to be.

In other spooge-related news, two active-duty U.S. Army soldiers were caught having sex at the Alamo. Talk about rockin' the casbah.


Blogger Pisser said...

"Several irate visitors had complained they saw them having sexual intercourse."

I would be irate too if teenagers were having more sex than me...!

Were. I mean, are-!
And furthermore, the Alamo bored the fuck out of me as a child, so I guess that's where it went-!

And I would rather see rats humping than dead-! I am offended by those dCon commercials about the traps where you don't have to see the dead, spooge-less carcass you just MURDERED.

Sorry, that wasn't spooge-related-!

4:04 PM  

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