Bloggers Against Gratuitous Spooge

Spooge -- it just ain't cool.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Sweet merciful Jaysus

Some people are fucked up, man. I strongly advise that you avoid looking at either the recipes or the food pictures. Dayum.

[link via MeFi]

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Poetry Corner

I now present my poems on spooge....


I arise, and something slides
Thickly, warmly down my thighs.
This is all of you I own
When I awake alone, alone.


Giver of life,
Conveyor of sin,*
And always welcome
To run down my chin.

Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you. Good night.

(*Lutheran doctrine)

Sunday, November 07, 2004


While realizing it's hardly current I saw the most gratuitous ever use of spooge in a (non-porn) movie the other day. Well, two movies really. Ghostbusters and the sequel (startlingly called Ghostbusters 2).

The first contains the classic spooge-on-the-library-catalogue scene. Which, as a child of librarians, I object to on many levels. But also find strangely arousing.

Then there's the "He slimed me" line. Sorry Bill? Shouldn't that be "that ectoplasmic green guy just spooged in my hair"? Then it disappeared through a wall. Wham bam thank you Mr Murray.

Followed shortly after by the unleashing of the proton packs and "don't cross the streams" bit. Those things were just laser spooge really. Well, kinda. Hell you look to closely and there's spooge everywhere.. Watch where you step.

And of course the everyone-absolutely-covered-in-spooge finale. With added spooge deluge for the EPA guy. Well done boys, spooge all round.

But the sequel.. Oh.My.God.

It should have been titled "Revenge of the Spooge". Or "When Spooge Goes Bad". Or "Spooge Does New York". Or something. I mean this spooge was nasty. Some of it even tried to eat Sigourney Weaver and, while I'd have to agree with it's choice (having had adolescent fantasies about eating her), there's something very very wrong about being attacked by spooge.

There was a river of the stuff. Which the team joyfully jumped into of course, rich pickings for a Freudian analyst I sure. And the evil spooge went on to engulf a museum. That's some funky spunk.

But of course our intrepid boys capture and tame some of it by being nice and happy and playing nice happy music. I would have though Barry White would be more appropriate but then there's only so much you can slip past the censors, and Mr White usually accompanies an R rating.

Then in the Grand Spooge Finale they use disturbingly phallic devices to squirt bucketloads of it all over the Statue of Liberty. What the..?! And this spoogebath apparently makes her want to go for a wander into downtown NY, possibly in search of a really big cigarette. Are there any New Yorkers out there? Would you line the streets to cheer a cum-stained statue walking though the city? The mind boggles.

But all credit to the writing team who managed to sell "giving Lady Liberty a pearl necklace" as a marketable plot (once again to a non-porn producer).

Um, thanks. This post brought to you by gratuitous use of the word "spooge".